LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:53 pm
Location: München

LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

wenn ich das Spiel speichere hängt es sich auf und wenn ich länger als 15 Minuten spiele hängt es sich ebenso auf.
Habe mal nen Screenshot eingefügt weil da etwas von Error steht.


Hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen.

MfG Alex
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by agestar »

Bitte log.txt posten
Greetz agestar
Hier wird Wert auf einen gepflegten Umgangston gelegt
Probleme mit Mods lassen sich meistens nur mithilfe des LOG.TXT lösen
Wo Du den log.txt findest steht hier
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Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:53 pm
Location: München

Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

GIANTS Engine Runtime 5.0.1 (build date: Oct 1 2013)
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2013
Main System
Core(s): 8 @ 3.4 GHZ
OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
Physics System
Driver: NVIDIA PhysX Runtime
Version: 2.8.4
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick disabled
Force Feedback disabled
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Max. sources: 256
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 4.4.0
max_texture_layers: 8
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: Very High (forced)
View Distance Coeff: 1.300000
Shadow Quality: 2.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Coeff: 1.300000
Terrain LOD Distance Coeff: 2.000000
Foliage View Distance Coeff: 1.600000
Farming Simulator 2013
Version: RC6
Available Languages: de
Language: de
Game vehicle types loaded
Mod directory: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods
Load mod: AgrolinerSMK34
Warning: Missing l10n for button BEL3LEFT in AgrolinerSMK34
Warning: Missing l10n for button BEL3RIGHT in AgrolinerSMK34
Warning: Missing l10n for button BEL3WARN in AgrolinerSMK34
Load mod: assets
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/assets/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod assets
Load mod: beladung
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/beladung/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod beladung
Load mod: Benderholz
Load mod: blaulicht
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/blaulicht/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod blaulicht
Load mod: bus
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/bus/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod bus
Load mod: CAT966H
Warning: Missing l10n for button MMRearCam in CAT966H
Warning: Missing l10n for button MHAUTOSTEER in CAT966H
Warning: Missing l10n for button BALLOONWHEELS in CAT966H
Load mod: CatShovel100000
Load mod: CatShovel12500
Load mod: CatShovel50000
Load mod: Cat_345B_Excavator
Load mod: Cat_345B_Shovel
Load mod: Cat_725A
Load mod: Cat_980H_ART
Load mod: Cat_980H_AWS
Load mod: Cat_Dolly
Load mod: Cat_Flatbed
Load mod: Cat_LowLoader
Load mod: Cat_SemiTrailer_A
Load mod: Cat_SemiTrailer_B
Load mod: Cat_Telehandler
Load mod: Cat_Truck_Actros
Load mod: Cat_Truck_Kenworth
Load mod: DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button RADIO in DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button TOGGLE_SHOW_HELP in DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button Mann1 in DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button Mann2 in DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button Heckwarnersystemanlage in DLK_M32
Warning: Missing l10n for button G in DLK_M32
Error: Invalid mod name 'DLK_M32L-AS_redline'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: extinguisher
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/extinguisher/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod extinguisher
Load mod: Fendt_Holz
Load mod: Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2
Warning: Missing l10n for button Heckrollo in Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2
Warning: Missing l10n for button links1rollo in Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2
Warning: Missing l10n for button rechts1rollo in Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2
Load mod: gruenermistkran
Load mod: GuelleMistMod
Load mod: GUI
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/GUI/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod GUI
Load mod: Halle
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Halle/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Halle
Load mod: Herrenhausen
Load mod: Hud
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Hud/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Hud
Load mod: Huds
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Huds/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Huds
Load mod: JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO
Load mod: JD7260_DUAL_ROW_WHEELS_Ago
Load mod: kennzeichen1
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/kennzeichen1/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod kennzeichen1
Load mod: KirovetsK700A
Load mod: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack
Load mod: LaforgeFrontBladeSMI
Load mod: Landwehrkanal
Load mod: Landwehrkanal_MP_Entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Landwehrkanal_MP_Entpacken/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Landwehrkanal_MP_Entpacken
Load mod: leuchtschild
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/leuchtschild/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod leuchtschild
Load mod: Liebherr_900c
Warning: Missing l10n for button LIEDOOR in Liebherr_900c
Load mod: Liebherr_L550_by_Chris
Load mod: Liebherr_L550_by_Chris_unzip
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Liebherr_L550_by_Chris_unzip/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Liebherr_L550_by_Chris_unzip
Load mod: lizardATV
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/lizardATV/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod lizardATV
Load mod: LS13_Absperrset_entpacken
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/LS13_Absperrset_entpacken/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod LS13_Absperrset_entpacken
Load mod: LS13_Absperrung
Load mod: LS13_Absperrung_Barke_gelb
Load mod: LS13_Absperrung_gelb
Load mod: LS13_Absperrung_rot
Load mod: LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button Hinten in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button HintenC in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button HintenO in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button HintenU in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button Rechts in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button RechtsC in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button RechtsO in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button RechtsU in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button Links in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button LinksC in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button LinksO in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button LinksU in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Warning: Missing l10n for button Plane in LS13_Humbaur_RC3
Load mod: LS13_Mietklo
Load mod: LS13_Weidemann_4270_CX100T
Load mod: LS13_Zettelmeyer_ZL602
Load mod: Map
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Map/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Map
Load mod: map01
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/map01/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod map01
Load mod: Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH
Warning: Missing l10n for button Actros_GH_7 in Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH
Warning: Missing l10n for button Actros_GH_8 in Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH
Load mod: MischStation
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MischStation/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod MischStation
Load mod: mods
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod mods to use it in multiplayer.
Warning: Missing l10n for button handbrake in mods
Warning: Missing l10n for button AllradSameHurliLambo in mods
Load mod: Mog_RW
Warning: Missing l10n for button Heckwarner in Mog_RW
Warning: Missing l10n for button ABSCHLEPPSTANGE_ATTACH in Mog_RW
Load mod: moreRealistic
Load mod: moreRealisticGenuineMap
Load mod: moreRealisticVehicles
Error: Invalid mod name 'MR2013ReleaseV1-1'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: mrAlternativeTipping
Load mod: mrTLF_16_25
Load mod: Opel_Astra_Nef
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Opel_Astra_Nef/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Opel_Astra_Nef
Load mod: Opel_Astra_Nef_press
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Opel_Astra_Nef_press/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Opel_Astra_Nef_press
Load mod: Opel_Astra_SeppWurzel
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod Opel_Astra_SeppWurzel to use it in multiplayer.
Load mod: Pack_TP
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Pack_TP/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Pack_TP
Load mod: Pailleuse_Agram_Jet_de_paille_Luxfarm_LS_2013_V2
Load mod: Particle
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Particle/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Particle
Load mod: particleSystems
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/particleSystems/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod particleSystems
Load mod: PDAfix
Load mod: Pflastersteinpaletten
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Pflastersteinpaletten/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Pflastersteinpaletten
Load mod: placeable_fire
Load mod: placeable_Firework
Load mod: Planes
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Planes/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Planes
Load mod: Rampe_by_Chris
Load mod: RealLights_v0992
Load mod: reifen
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/reifen/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod reifen
Load mod: renner
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/renner/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod renner
Load mod: RTW
Load mod: RTW_by_RLF
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/RTW_by_RLF/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod RTW_by_RLF
Load mod: RU
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/RU/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod RU
Load mod: sampleLights
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/sampleLights/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod sampleLights
Load mod: Schemas
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Schemas/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Schemas
Load mod: SchmitzCargo
Warning: Missing l10n for button B3LEFT in SchmitzCargo
Warning: Missing l10n for button B3WARN in SchmitzCargo
Warning: Missing l10n for button B3RIGHT in SchmitzCargo
Load mod: Schwarzmueller_Tieflader_3achs
Load mod: Script
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Script/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Script
Load mod: Scripte
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Scripte/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Scripte
Load mod: Scripts
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Scripts/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Scripts
Load mod: serviceCar
Load mod: SK
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/SK/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod SK
Load mod: Skin
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Skin/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Skin
Load mod: sound
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/sound/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod sound
Load mod: Sounds
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Sounds/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Sounds
Load mod: specializations
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/specializations/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod specializations
Load mod: spezi
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/spezi/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod spezi
Load mod: T4_Polizei
Warning: Missing l10n for button FARMER_CAR_HORN in T4_Polizei
Load mod: T5_feuerwehr
Load mod: T5_THW
Load mod: tex
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/tex/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod tex
Load mod: Textur
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Textur/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Textur
Load mod: Texture
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Texture/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Texture
Load mod: Texturen
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Texturen/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Texturen
Load mod: Textures
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Textures/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Textures
Load mod: theAlps
Load mod: TIH445
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod TIH445
Load mod: Tractor
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Tractor/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Tractor
Load mod: TSL__Motorsense
Load mod: Unzip_auspacken_sind_4_Mods
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Unzip_auspacken_sind_4_Mods/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Unzip_auspacken_sind_4_Mods
Load mod: van
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/van/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod van
Load mod: vehicles
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/vehicles/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod vehicles
Error: Invalid mod name 'VW_Golf_MK1 (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: VW_Golf_MK1
Load mod: wheelLoader
Load mod: WinterValley_unzipp
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/WinterValley_unzipp/modDesc.xml'
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod WinterValley_unzipp
Load mod: ZeppelinTanker
Load mod: ZZZ_manualIgnition
Register vehicle type: AgrolinerSMK34.smk34
Register vehicle type: AgrolinerSMK34.sigaUno
Register vehicle type: CAT966H.520CE
Register vehicle type: CatShovel100000.FrontloaderShovel
Register vehicle type: CatShovel12500.FrontloaderShovel
Register vehicle type: CatShovel50000.FrontloaderShovel
Register vehicle type: Cat_345B_Excavator.Cat345B
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.Cat725A
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.725_FertilizerTank
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.725_Manure
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.725_Slurry
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.725_WaterTank
Register vehicle type: Cat_725A.725_TiltTray
Register vehicle type: Cat_980H_ART.Cat980H_ART
Register vehicle type: Cat_980H_AWS.Cat980H_AWS
Register vehicle type: Cat_Dolly.Cat_Dolly
Register vehicle type: Cat_Flatbed.Cat_Flatbed
Register vehicle type: Cat_LowLoader.Cat_LowLoader
Register vehicle type: Cat_SemiTrailer_A.CatTrailer
Register vehicle type: Cat_SemiTrailer_B.CatTrailer
Register vehicle type: Cat_Telehandler.Cat_Tele
Register vehicle type: Cat_Truck_Actros.Cat_Actros
Register vehicle type: Cat_Truck_Kenworth.Cat_K100
Register vehicle type: DLK_M32.MAN_TGL
Register vehicle type: Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2.Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2
Register vehicle type: gruenermistkran.T274
Warning: missing dailyUpkeep value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing machineType value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
-> DigitalAmount Display Script Version 3.1.5 by Blacky_BPG loaded
-> WeightStation Version 3.1.5 by Blacky_BPG
-> WeightStation Trigger and Events loaded
SearchBuyableObjectScript v1.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
specialization Real internal sound by Clod loaded
Register vehicle type: JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7260R
specialization Real internal sound by Clod loaded
Register vehicle type: JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280R
specialization Real internal sound by Clod loaded
Register vehicle type: JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280Rt
Register vehicle type: JD7260_DUAL_ROW_WHEELS_Ago.AddDualRear
Register vehicle type: KirovetsK700A.KirovetsK700A
Register vehicle type: KirovetsK700A.BuyableTwinWheels
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.kd240f
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.kd240
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.kev4028
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.kev4028AS
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.taar5090
Register vehicle type: Kverneland_Taarup_Mower_Pack.taar3532
Register vehicle type: LaforgeFrontBladeSMI.laforge
doorTrigger loaded
Register vehicle type: Liebherr_900c.Liebherr_900c
Register vehicle type: Liebherr_900c.godet
Register vehicle type: Liebherr_L550_by_Chris.liebherrL550
Register vehicle type: LS13_Absperrung.heber
Register vehicle type: LS13_Absperrung_Barke_gelb.heber
Register vehicle type: LS13_Absperrung_gelb.heber
Register vehicle type: LS13_Absperrung_rot.heber
specialization beleuchtung v3 by Sven777b
Register vehicle type: LS13_Humbaur_RC3.Humbaur
Register vehicle type: LS13_Mietklo.heber
specialization beleuchtung v3 by Sven777b
Register vehicle type: LS13_Zettelmeyer_ZL602.Zettelmeyer
Register vehicle type: Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH.Actros
Register vehicle type: Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH.PalfingerGreifer
Register vehicle type: mods.MAN_TGX
Register vehicle type: Mog_RW.RW
Warning: missing dailyUpkeep value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing machineType value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
**** MoreRealistic Engine V1.1.0.7 loaded ****
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.attachableCombine
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.baleLoader
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.baler
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.baleTrailer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.combine_cylindered
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.cultivator
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.cultivator_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.cutter
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.cutter_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.defoliator_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.forageWagon
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.frontloader
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.fuelTrailer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.implement
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.implement_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.manureSpreader
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.mixerWagon
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.mower_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.plough
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.rake
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.ridingMower
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.selfPropelledMixerWagon
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.selfPropelledMower
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.selfPropelledPotatoHarvester
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.selfPropelledSprayer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.shovel
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.shovel_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.sowingMachine_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.sprayer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.sprayer_animated
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.sprayer_mouseControlled
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.strawBlower
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.tedder
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.telehandler
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.tractor
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.tractor_articulatedAxis
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.tractor_cylindered
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.trailer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.trailer_mouseControlled
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.waterTrailer
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.wheelLoader
Register vehicle type: moreRealistic.wheelLoaderIntegratedBucket
AddMoney by Grisu118 loaded, special thanks to Sven777b
Register vehicle type: mrTLF_16_25.moreRealistic.TLF16_25
CustomInfoTrigger v1.3 by [FSM]Chefkoch loaded! Save and Load from XML by Bluebaby210
doorTrigger loaded
Script loaded.
Register fruit type: Fertilizer on: ...
Register vehicle type: Opel_Astra_SeppWurzel.OpelAstraSeppWurzel
Register vehicle type: Pailleuse_Agram_Jet_de_paille_Luxfarm_LS_2013_V2.Agram
Register vehicle type: RTW.RTW
Register vehicle type: SchmitzCargo.schmitz
Register vehicle type: Schwarzmueller_Tieflader_3achs.Schwarzmueller_Tieflader_3achs
Register vehicle type: serviceCar.serviceCar
Register vehicle type: T4_Polizei.T4
Warning: missing dailyUpkeep value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing machineType value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Register vehicle type: T5_feuerwehr.T5_Bus_Notarzt
Register vehicle type: T5_THW.T5_Bus_Polizei
Register vehicle type: TSL__Motorsense.sense
Register vehicle type: VW_Golf_MK1.farmerCar
Register vehicle type: wheelLoader.wheelLoader
Register vehicle type: ZeppelinTanker.ZeppelinTanker
Loading shader WAD 'C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/shader_cache/shader_3_1_1024_512_OGL_NV_8.wad' ... 221 hashes, 400 shaders, 515202 bytes compressed
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/OGF_BAYERN_MAP/map/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (0.04mb in 85.28 ms)
data/sky/rain.i3d (0.00mb in 0.58 ms)
data/sky/hail.i3d (0.00mb in 0.85 ms)
Register fill type: Schwein
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/OGF_BAYERN_MAP/map/map.i3d (6.13mb in 11531.21 ms)
created WoolPaletteCollector, id: 7086.000000
dataS2/character/pedestrians/executive03.i3d (0.27mb in 15.55 ms)
dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual08.i3d (0.53mb in 31.97 ms)
dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual03.i3d (0.33mb in 19.76 ms)
dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual07.i3d (0.32mb in 19.94 ms)
dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual02.i3d (0.31mb in 19.45 ms)
dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual15.i3d (0.40mb in 26.05 ms)
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/savegame2/alternativeTipTrigger.xml'
--- loading RealLights - specialization for RealLights by fruktor (
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.725_FertilizerTank ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.725_Slurry ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for AgrolinerSMK34.smk34 ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_LowLoader.Cat_LowLoader ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for CAT966H.520CE ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Schwarzmueller_Tieflader_3achs.Schwarzmueller_Tieflader_3achs ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_Flatbed.Cat_Flatbed ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_980H_AWS.Cat980H_AWS ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for serviceCar.serviceCar ,because specialization additionalLights is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_980H_ART.Cat980H_ART ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for LS13_Absperrung_gelb.heber ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280Rt ,because specialization extralight is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for LS13_Zettelmeyer_ZL602.Zettelmeyer ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.Cat725A ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for VW_Golf_MK1.farmerCar ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for LS13_Absperrung_Barke_gelb.heber ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for T5_THW.T5_Bus_Polizei ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for T5_feuerwehr.T5_Bus_Notarzt ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for T4_Polizei.T4 ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_SemiTrailer_A.CatTrailer ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH.Actros ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7260R ,because specialization extralight is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for AgrolinerSMK34.sigaUno ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_Truck_Actros.Cat_Actros ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for RTW.RTW ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.725_Manure ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_Dolly.Cat_Dolly ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Liebherr_900c.Liebherr_900c ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Opel_Astra_SeppWurzel.OpelAstraSeppWurzel ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for LS13_Humbaur_RC3.Humbaur ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Liebherr_L550_by_Chris.liebherrL550 ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_Truck_Kenworth.Cat_K100 ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_Telehandler.Cat_Tele ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.725_TiltTray ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH.PalfingerGreifer ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280R ,because specialization extralight is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_SemiTrailer_B.CatTrailer ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Cat_725A.725_WaterTank ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for DLK_M32.MAN_TGL ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Mog_RW.RW ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for mods.MAN_TGX ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2.Ford_Transit_DoKa_FFW_v2 ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for LS13_Absperrung_rot.heber ,because specialization beleuchtung31 is present!
[INFO::RealLights] deactivated for Liebherr_900c.godet ,because specialization beleuchtung is present!
Failed to inserting manualIgnition on JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280Rt
Failed to inserting manualIgnition on Cat_725A.Cat725A
Failed to inserting manualIgnition on JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7260R
Failed to inserting manualIgnition on JD7260_7280R_7280RT_V1_AGO.JD7280R
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T5_feuerwehr/T5_Bus_Notarzt.i3d (0.03mb in 74.04 ms)
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/mrTLF_16_25/TLF16_25.i3d (0.19mb in 160.42 ms)
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.005'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.003'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.004'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh4'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.007'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh9'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Model.008'
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/DLK_M32/DLK.i3d (28.41mb in 629.74 ms)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/DLK_M32/Particle/
data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (1.75mb in 35.54 ms)
data/vehicles/trucks/milktruck.i3d (1.19mb in 86.29 ms)
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/savegame2/realisticInfos.xml'
Error: Failed to open xml file data/vehicles/emissiveBillboardShader.xml'
Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'data/vehicles/emissiveBillboardShader.xml' has version 0. Please convert this file to version 2.
data/vehicles/cars/car6.i3d (0.38mb in 35.26 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car2.i3d (0.42mb in 16.34 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car4.i3d (0.33mb in 12.93 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car5.i3d (0.37mb in 15.70 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car1.i3d (0.43mb in 21.57 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car7.i3d (0.47mb in 20.65 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car3.i3d (0.39mb in 14.61 ms)
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_15_32.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_15_35.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_19_24.png
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/emissiveBillboardShader.xml' has version 1. Please convert this file to version 2.
Error: Out-dated custom shader. 'C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/tex/emissiveBillboardShader.xml' has version 1. Please convert this file to version 2.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh160 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh171 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh39 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh137 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh112 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh152 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh186 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh109 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh111 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh180 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh176 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh133 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh128 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh125 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh149 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh67 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh193 G_3D_Obje.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh71 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh26 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh89 Group4 G_3D_Ob'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh172 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh163 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh86 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh113 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh75 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh110 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh77 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh142 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh114 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh140 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh196 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh59 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh70 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh195 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh138 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh170 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh134 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh187 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh93 G_3D_Objec.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh108 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh197 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh118 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh93 G_3D_Objec.003'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh22 G_3D_Object__4'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh100 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh155 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh54 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh68 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh37 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh120 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh93 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh21 G_3D_Objec'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh40 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh174 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh156 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh183 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh132 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh121 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh43 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh178 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh33 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh73 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh60 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh146 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh154 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh36 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh76 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh45 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh61 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh192 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh74 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh88 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh95 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh85 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh30 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh178 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh188 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh24 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh193 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh29 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh123 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh183 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh55 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh159 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh72 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh141 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh90 Group4 G_3D_Ob'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh94 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh92 Group4 G_3D_Ob'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh185 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh167 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh151 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh135 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh80 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh98 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh25 G_3D_Objec'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh153 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh32 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh51 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh145 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh82 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh131 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh57 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh117 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh179 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh182 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh193 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh119 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh166 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh27 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh162 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh177 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh169 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh186 G_3D_Obje.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh38 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh44 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh91 Group4 G_3D_Ob'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh106 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh148 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh191 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh147 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh126 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh161 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh81 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh102 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh122 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh56 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh165 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh150 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh124 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh42 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh157 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh181 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh129 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh64 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh104 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh190 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] VAZ 2104 8'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh65 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh186 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh23 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh136 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh127 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh139 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh116 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh28 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh87 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh105 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh63 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] platte'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh58 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh99 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh34 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh188 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh93 G_3D_Objec'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh48 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh26 G_3D_Objec'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh194 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh46 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh96 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh69 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh52 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh143 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh21 G_3D_Object__4'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh104 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh66 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh84 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh41 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh173 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh164 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh83 G_3D_Object__2'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh195 G_3D_Obje'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh158 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh103 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh101 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh115 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh144 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh78 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh21 G_3D_Objec.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh50 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh175 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh189 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh47 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh130 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh93 G_3D_Objec.002'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh62 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh49 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh79 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh31 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh94 G_3D_Objec'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh35 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh168 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh25 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh184 G_3D_Object__'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh53 G_3D_Object__1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh178 G_3D_Obje.001'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] SketchUp_materialtext'
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ID2'
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/T4.i3d (6.92mb in 2967.23 ms)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/adStrip7.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/Fendt_Trisix39.jpg)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/Fendt_Trisix39.jpg)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/test.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/test.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/Nomer.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/orange_diffuse.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/white_diffuse.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/red_diffuse.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/NS_Light.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/farmer.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/gelb.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/gelb.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/prtscr.jpg)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/prtscr.jpg)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/keyboard.jpg)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/keyboard.jpg)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/beladung/pylon.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/beladung/blitzleu.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/beladung/blitzleu.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/white_diffuse.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/lichter.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/lichter.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/blaulicht/glas_blau.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/adStrip4.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/tex/orange_diffuse_blue.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/adStrip.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/farmerCar_diffuse.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/kennzeichen1/kennzeichen.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/glas.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/textures/glas.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/texturen/license_plate.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/leuchtschild/texture.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/leuchtschild/texture.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/tex/aarivalo.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/Mercedes_Actros_PK34002SH/Actros.i3d (18.88mb in 397.37 ms)
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_31_18.png
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/T4_Polizei/store_T4.png)
Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/SchmitzCargo/
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_35_35.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_35_40.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_10.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_20.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_28.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_28.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_30.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_37_37.png
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/moreRealisticVehicles/loaders/i3d/weidemann4270CX100T.i3d (4.23mb in 448.25 ms)
Warning: Deleting object 'Trigger1' before all triggers are removed
Warning: Deleting object 'Trigger1' before all triggers are removed
Warning: Deleting object 'Trigger1' before all triggers are removed
Warning: Deleting object 'Trigger1' before all triggers are removed
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/moreRealisticVehicles/loaders/i3d/deutzFrontloaderShovel.i3d (0.09mb in 218.89 ms)
C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/moreRealisticVehicles/loaders/i3d/deutzAgrovectorShovel2.i3d (0.08mb in 50.26 ms)
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_46_16.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_46_20.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_46_26.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_47_16.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_47_35.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_48_14.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_51_37.png
Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_11_52_00.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_02_27.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_02_29.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_02_49.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_03_20.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_03_41.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_04_12.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_04_18.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_04_24.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_04_32.png
Saving screenshot: C:/Users/Asus/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/screenshots/fsScreen_2013_12_29_12_04_43.png
Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Error: LUA running function 'update'
WeightStation.lua:907: bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)Warning: Deleting object 'Trigger_seite_staufach hinten' before all triggers are removed
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by böserlöwe »

Guten Tag auch, obwohl der Tag wohl doch nicht so gut für dich anfängt.
Kannst du uns mal verraten wie du die Mods in deinen Mods-Ordner eingefügt hast?
Welche Dateien sich darin befinden?

Nur mal so als Hinweis für Dich und auhc alle Anderen: In den Mods-Ordner des Spiels gehören nur ZIP Dateien.
Keine PNG, oder DDS oder RAR Dateien.
Nicht jeder Mod den man aus dem Internet lädt, muss dann in dem Mods-ordner entpackt werden, sondern nur die, welche nicht als Verwendbarer Mod in einem anderen Format vorliegen. Standardmods wie der ATV von dem GIANTS ModHub, werden einmal als ZIP und einmal als EXE Datei angeboten.
Die EXE Datei laden, dann mit Doppelklick ausführen. Fertig ist das einfügen des Mods in den LS.
Kontrollieren nur mit dem Starten des LS und dann in dem Shop suchen wo sich der Mod eingetragen hat. Mehr ist nicht nötig.

Die letzten großen Fehler die in deinem Spiel auftreten sind die eingebauten Fehler der Polizei des T5, der ist nicht wirklich zur euen Version des LS mit Patch kompatibel, ader nicht konvertiert worden. den solltest du als erstes aus dem Mods-Ordner wieder entfernen, dann haste schon mal ein Problem weniger.

Bei den anderen Einträgen wo in dieser Log steht das die Moddesc nicht geladen werden kann, liegt das nicht als ZIP Datei vor, sondern ist ein einfacher Ordner der aber aus einem adneren Mod entpackt worden ist. Dann klappt das alles nicht mehr.
Deshalb sollten die Mods auch immer komplett in einer ZIP Datei bleiben.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

Ich nehme den Zip-Ordner ziehe ihn in den Mod-Ordner und entpacke ihn darin, speichere das ganze und starte das Spiel. Ich habe seit ein paar Tagen auch den Feuerwerk-Mod und seit dem an habe ich das Problem aber nur wenn ich das Feuerwerk kaufe und verkaufe also besitze dann hängt sich das Spiel auf.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by böserlöwe »

AlexCobra11 wrote:Ich nehme den Zip-Ordner ziehe ihn in den Mod-Ordner und entpacke ihn darin, speichere das ganze und starte das Spiel. Ich habe seit ein paar Tagen auch den Feuerwerk-Mod und seit dem an habe ich das Problem aber nur wenn ich das Feuerwerk kaufe und verkaufe also besitze dann hängt sich das Spiel auf.
Nicht die ZIP Entpacken
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

Wenn ich die Zip nicht entpacke ist die Datei nicht im Spiel.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by bassaddict »

Entpacken musst du auschließlich dann, wenn es sich um ein Modpack mit einzelne ZIP Dateien drin handelt. In allen anderen Fällen muss und sollte man die ZIP nicht entpacken.

Dein mods-Ordner ist aber sowieso eher ein Fall für die Tonne. Da kannst du am Besten einfach alles löschen und nochmal neu und vor allem sauber anfangen. Ist auch mit Sicherheit die schnellste Lösung.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

Also dann lösche ich alles und entpacke nur die Mod-Packs.

Danke für die Hilfe.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by böserlöwe »

Ja, das Modpack musst du wohl soweit öffnen, das du alle einzelnen Mods darin sehen kannst, die du dann in den Mods-ordner kopierst. Das komplette Modpack darf aber nicht im Mods-Ordner bleiben oder sein.
Ob du die ganzen Mods löscht, oder einfach erstmal einen neuen mods-Ordner erstellst, en alten einfach umbennenst, ist dir natürlich selbst überlassen.
Auf alle Fälle musst du darauf achten das die Mods die du verwenden willst, auch definitiv für den LS mit dem Patch 2 erstellt oder Konvertiert worden sind.
Solte mal ein Mod dabei sein der dies nicht erfüllt, kannste den gleich wieder aus dem Mods-Ordner entfernen.
Es sei denn du kümmerst dich selbst um die richtige Konvertierung.
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Re: LS 13 Spiel hängt sich auf beim Speichern und mittendrin

Post by AlexCobra11 »

Habe alles gelöscht uns so gemacht wie Ihr das beschrieben habt, funktioniert alles super. Und das aufhängen kommt leider von dem Feuerwerk.

Danke euch für die Info und Hilfe wie ich jetzt auch die Mods einfüge.
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