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The menu is not visible text

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:12 pm
by ry3ik
Good day. The problem is that menu text is not visible. Tell me please, how to solve this problem?

Re: The menu is not visible text

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:00 pm
by farmdog4444
Hi, farmdog4444 here, I'm sorry, but I don't have the answer, wish I did because I have the same exact problem. I have this great Dell m2010 which is/was a super high end ummm 'laptop'. When I DL the free 'demo' version it looks fabulous and plays perfectly. So does the DVD disk I bought except that there is no text in any of the menu boxes including things like the PDA etc. so, it's impossible to play on this machine. I have two others, an HP and another Dell which a smaller and not as nice and they both play just fine, menu text and all . . . so here's the mystery; why will the demo play with menu text and not the DVD? Support says that it's my video driver "hasn't been updated since 2006" but they are wrong about that. The Dell folder it's in has been there since 2006 but it was last updated in 2011. This machine also plays FSX flight simulator just fine, which is much more demanding GUI wise. Go figure. Giant support has been less than forthcoming on this issue and I get the impression they really don't care. They've gotten their money, ha ha. If I do find a solution or the reason for the glitch, I'll let you know how I fix it. Please, post here if you find a fix please. Perhaps between the two of us we can get Giant to fess up there's a problem???? I await your reply. ( my email is RW handle Steven. Good luck!